Find - Buildings in Kudat Town, Sabah (1)
Přehled projektů
Kudat Town, located along Sabah's northern coast, is on the frontlines of climate change. The town faces growing threats from rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and extreme weather events, which put its communities and ecosystems at risk. Accurate and detailed mapping is essential for understanding these vulnerabilities and supporting climate action. This project leverages the power of community mapping to identify building footprints in Kudat using MapSwipe. By utilizing this user-friendly tool, volunteers can quickly and efficiently identify areas with buildings, providing a solid foundation for more detailed mapping efforts. Once the initial mapping is complete, buildings within the identified areas will be traced using the HOT Tasking Manager to improve data for climate resilience planning. The collected data will aid in disaster risk reduction, adaptive infrastructure design, and sustainable coastal management, empowering local communities to better prepare for and respond to climate challenges.
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Souhrnné výsledky (s geometrií)
HOT Tasking Manager Geometrie
Střední až vysoká shoda Ano Možná geometrie
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Naše licence
Tento projekt je součástí komunity OpenStreetMap. Cílem jsou vysoce kvalitní geografická data, která jsou volně přístupná a dostupná všem. Vzájemná licence OSM chrání data před přivlastněním službami, které je nesdílejí zpět do OSM.
MapSwipe je uvolněn pod "liberální" nereciproční licencí (Creative Commons Attribution). Kdykoli budete chtít data použít, nezapomeňte uvést přispěvatele MapSwipe.