Forest intervened and buildings - Acre (1)

Visão geral do projeto
Mapping in the Amazon takes on great importance when considering the vulnerability of the population and the imperative need to preserve its valuable natural resources. This region is home to communities exposed to various hazards, and detailed mapping provides essential information for planning mitigation and emergency response strategies. In addition, the Amazon, as a treasure trove of biodiversity, plays a crucial role in global climate stability. Accurate mapping facilitates the identification of critical areas, contributing to the implementation of adaptation, protection and sustainable planning measures to ensure the long-term survival of the region and its people.
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Este projeto faz parte da comunidade OpenStreetMap. O objetivo é obter dados geográficos de alta qualidade, de acesso livre e disponíveis para todos. A licença recíproca do OSM protege os dados de serem apropriados por serviços que não partilham com o OSM.
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