Compare - Public Health (1)

Visão geral do projeto
MSF teams are currently doing an explo to understand the needs of the population living in the Bassikounou district in the south east of Mauritania. To improve their understanding of population numbers and to plan for a health survey they are asking support from you to help mapping all buildings in the district. In this project you are looking to detect new buildings between two sets of imagery. The imagery used in this project is 1) © 2019 ESRI and 2) © Airbus DS (2024), Provided by the Airbus Foundation. Please use the tutorial to learn how to contribute. Note: We are aware the resolution of the bottom imagery is quite low, however it is the most recent imagery we have that we can use for comparison. Thank you for your cooperation and mapping efforts.
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Este projeto faz parte da comunidade OpenStreetMap. O objetivo é obter dados geográficos de alta qualidade, de acesso livre e disponíveis para todos. A licença recíproca do OSM protege os dados de serem apropriados por serviços que não partilham com o OSM.
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