6.9 March 2024 Earthquake (3)
![6.9 March 2024 Earthquake (3)](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/msf-mapswipe.appspot.com/o/projectImages%2F1711963700202-project-image-PNG.png?alt=media&token=f13aea3f-f5fd-4f73-a22b-c106c96aa518)
Project overview
A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck flood-ravaged East Sepik region, Papua New Guinea in the morning of March 24, 2024. This resulted to the loss of at least five lives and the destruction of around 1,000 homes, according to officials. OpenStreetMap Papua New Guinea with the support of HOTOSM plans to map buildings in affected towns and communities to provide local base data to plan for response and recovery efforts by NGOs and responders on the ground.
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Aggregated Results
Aggregated Results (with Geometry)
HOT Tasking Manager Geometries
Moderate to High Agreement Yes Maybe Geometries
Area of Interest
Our license
This project is part of the OpenStreetMap community. The goal is high-quality geographical data, freely accessible and available to everyone. OSM’s reciprocal license protects the data from being appropriated by services that do not share back to OSM.
MapSwipe is released under a "liberal" non-reciprocal license (Creative Commons Attribution). Whenever you want to use the data, just make sure to credit the MapSwipe contributors.